Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Little India II

A few adventures ago I had described my visit to Little India and mentioned I needed to return to see some more of this colorful area of Singapore. Well, I got my chance again and headed directly to the Tekka Center to see my fish monger friend.


 I was so pleased he remembered me. I was starving when I got there but the wonderful fish smell made me even hungrier. My buddy cut me a choice piece of fish and tossed it over. I love sushi! (I don't call it that though...I just call it raw fish.) I gobbled the meal down, purred at my friend in appreciation for his generosity, then bounded down the street to do some exploring.

It must have been shopping day because all the streets were packed with people. I had to be very careful to ensure I didn't get stepped on. I saw lots of henna shops and even thought of having a lovely design painted on my legs. I was upset when I realized the ink would not go on very well over my furry legs.

I noticed some of the shops had lovely little shrines dedicated to the shop keepers favorite god's. There were also lots of flower shops where the vendors were selling beautiful bouquets and weaved
flower strands.

Many of the buildings were painted bright colors and had ornate attachments. In front of one of the shops was a little fountain that some pigeons turned into a bird bath to cool off in.

Little India is also known for wonderful cuisine.  There are  lots of little restaurants but since I had just eaten I just stopped to breathe  in the great aromas.


It was time to get home so off I went on my bus ride. I made it home and took a long, well deserved nap.

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